The charming holiday destination Scheidegg benefits from its exposed position between 800 and 1000 meters altitude on the pledges ridge above Lake Constance. Walkers, cyclists, families will find a great variety of outdoor adventures in quiet surroundings in the triangle of Switzerland, Austria and Germany. To find peace and quiet, the Great Chapel Trail invites you to go hiking. In winter, cross-country trails lure with stunning view to the alps.
April 2011, the tree-top walk Skywalk Allgäu was officially opened. In summer 2011, the new 9-hole golf course was launched.
April 2011, the tree-top walk Skywalk Allgäu was officially opened. In summer 2011, the new 9-hole golf course was launched.
Scheidegg is climatic health resort and Kneipp spa resort with the award premium class. Unique in Germany is a completely different offer: people who need to eat gluten-free, will find everything they need. For bakeries, restaurants and hoteliers offer gluten-free food, a supermarket leads to match the food. The offer "gluten-free holiday" was "nominated for the German Tourism Award 2010" and was awarded in July 2011 with the "Bavarian Innovation Award in Tourism".
Due to our work the news are in german language. For editorial-use images, please email. View Scheidegg-Tourismus

Scheidegger Käsewochen ab 17. Februar 2025: Begegnungen mit „glücklichen Kühen“
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Wendelinsritt am 13. Oktober in Scheidegg
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Reiseziel für Menschen mit Zöliakie: Glutenfrei-Wochen in Scheidegg
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Mobil und nachhaltig im Urlaub: Ab diesem Sommer e-Carsharing in Scheidegg
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Klimaneutral a...
Scheidegger Käsewochen ab 29. Januar 2024 | Genusswanderungen im Allgäu
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Wandern über drei Eintausender in Scheidegg: Westallgäuer Wanderwochen
In Scheidegg, im sonnigen Klima des Westallgäus, dehnt sich die Wanderregion grenzüberschreitend bis nach Österreich aus. Zum wiederholten Mal finden hier vom 25. September bis 8. Oktober 2...
Neuer Premiumwanderweg in Scheidegg im Allgäu: "Berg & See"
"Leise" ist es im Westallgäu und "aussichtsreich" in Scheidegg. Das Allgäuer Urlaubsdomizil liegt charmant auf einer Sonnenterasse in bis zu 1000 Metern Höhe und lockt mit naturnahen Bege...
Weiterlesen- Here in the "quiet" Allgäu you can get very close to people and animals. Roads away from traffic, farmers whose "happy" cows graze in the pastures, and chapels that invite you to visit.
- The Scheidegger waterfalls are one of the 100 Bavarian geotopes. 22 and 18 metres high are the two waterfalls which are situated next to each other.
- As the "gluten-free holiday resort number 1", it offers people suffering from coeliac condition a relaxing holiday. Awarded the Bavarian Innovation Prize 2011.
- Large ecumenical chapel trail with 17 treasures along almost 22 kilometers, some of the chapels are up to 600 and 1000 years old. The small chapel trail is 2.7 kilometres long.
- The craftsmen's museum "Heimathaus" takes visitors back to the old days of the community with many lovingly assembled exhibits: an apartment from 1900, a school room, a locksmith's shop or a corner shop, which many people no longer know, are among the rooms worth seeing.
- Scheidegger Käsewochen in February are popular adventure weeks with guided hikes to alpine dairies and farms.
- Every year at the end of September we invite you to the 2-week hiking weeks in the western Allgäu with up to four guided theme hikes a day.